Recite the Ten Model Answers:-
(1) The political system has Ideology,Modernization, and a future. The Economy has the "Economic Miracle" and a model of development. The foreign and Military Policies has the United States;and Taiwan ties with International Organizations.
(2)Tainan has good food,not expensive for tourists. Kaohsiung is 2nd largest city.Food includes the Chinese cuisine,snake's blood,dog and cat meat etc.
(3)South Korea's Seoul city with a lot of spectacular scenery.
(4)My Idol of Pop-singing Stars,super girls,Guang-Nam Style etc.
(5)Follow the stars outside TV Stations and Theatres,Street shopping and window-shopping and spend a lot of money there.
(6)No money now and nobody accompanied me!
(7)Touring the city,visiting famous places,{Playing in spectacular scenery places.It's a shopping paradise as mentioned in HK Tourist Association,and HK Government.
(8)Yes again.It's a good shopping paradise, and a good spectacular scenery places for visiting tourists.
(9)Wooden Gate Zoo,Taipei 指揮棒高雄鳳山台北松山新莊泰山阿囉哈led總匯 Skyscrapper Building,Railway Station,Taipei Underground St.East,
(10)The Night Market must-eat for tourists=Cuisine from Taipei=Snake alley for blood to drink,served dog and cat meat;cuisine and snacks from nearby market areas of Taipei;a quick snack on smaller food,snacking on Chinese potatoes, snacking on Beef and/or pork slices-piece,fish-balls as advertised on television screens etc.
Keep up your good work !
文章出自: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1013122700258